Avery D. StandardAug 25, 2019SOUTHERN FLANNEL MOTHMegalopyge opercularis The Southern Flannel Moth is a species of flying insect found anywhere from the United States’ south and east...
Avery D. StandardJul 29, 2019RED ROCK CRABGrapsus grapsus The Red Rock Crab is a species of crustacean found along the coast of South America. They have bright red exoskeletons...
Avery D. StandardJul 28, 2019GIANT ISOPODSBathynomus Giant Isopods are a genus of aquatic Crustaceans found in the depths of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean. They display...
Avery D. StandardJun 30, 2019BUTTERFLIES & MOTHSLepidoptera Lepidoptera is a massive and diverse group of insects found on almost every continent on earth. The wings of a Lepidopteran...
Avery D. StandardJun 11, 2019MANTIS SHRIMPMantis Shrimp (or Stomatopods) are crustaceans in the class Malacostraca. Many species in the group are known for their ability to crush...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019BEESAnthophila Bees are a family of small flying insect. They are known worldwide for producing the sweet, syrupy substance called honey. The...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019TREE LOBSTERDryococelus australis The Lord Howe island stick insect or Tree Lobster is a small, black, flightless insect (note that the image above...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019GOLIATH BEETLESGoliathus The Goliath Beetle is any of five species in the family Goliathus. Goliathus Goliatus Goliathus Albosignatus Goliathus Regius...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019RAILROAD WORMSPhrixothrix The Railroad worm is a bioluminescent and nocturnal beetle that dwells in rainforests. It gets its name from the light organs...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019DRAGONFLIESOdonata Dragonflies are an immense order of four winged Arthropods. They are named by their resemblance to a dragon, with its long...