Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019GIANT SQUIDArchiteuthis dux The Giant squid is a large mollusk found around the Pacific and Atlantic ocean. Not much is known about the squid since...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019COMMON CUTTLEFISHSepia officinalis The Common Cuttlefish is a species of mollusk found near the coasts of Africa and Europe. They grow to be only about 1...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019EARTHWORMSMegadrilacea Earthworms are a class of segmented invertebrates that are found in almost every place in the world. Earthworms are...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019IMMORTAL JELLYFISHTurritopsis dohrnii The Immortal Jellyfish is a Cnidarian native to the Mediterranean and waters surrounding Japan. It is a small...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019PORTUGUESE MAN O' WARPhysalia Physalis The Portuguese Man of (o’) War is a species of siphonophore found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific ocean. One...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019BARRELEYEOpisthoproctus soleatus The Barreleye or spookfish is a species of deep sea fish in the family Opisthoproctidae. They are found in most...
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019BLACK DRAGONFISHIdiacanthus Atlanticus The Black Dragonfish is a species of deep-sea spiny-rayed fish. It is known to be a ferocious and deadly hunter....
Avery D. StandardMar 26, 2019GREAT WHITE SHARKCarcharodon Carcharias The Great White Shark (sometimes called Great White for short) is a giant species of shark found all over the...
Avery D. StandardMar 25, 2019CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDERAndrias Davidianus The Chinese giant Salamander is a species of amphibian and is the largest in the world. They can grow up to nearly six...
Avery D. StandardMar 25, 2019ANIMAL KINGDOMANIMALIA The kingdom Animalia is the largest, and most complex on earth. It contains more than 1.5 million species, and still, many more...