Sepia officinalis
The Common Cuttlefish is a species of mollusk found near the coasts of Africa and Europe. They grow to be only about 1 Ft (0.3 M) long. They are preyed upon by many animals such as dolphins and sharks. The cuttlefish has a few defenses that it uses to escape from predators. They can change the color, and texture of their skin, inflate themselves to appear larger, and shoot out ink to confuse predators.
Their diet comprises crabs, shrimp, snails, clams, and small fish. They have an incredible technique for hunting prey. When the cuttlefish spots something to eat, it turns a ghost white, spreads out its tentacles horizontally, and flashes black streaks in a continual pattern. This allows the cuttlefish to hypnotize and trance its prey. Before the prey even knows what is happening, the cuttlefish shoots out a long tentacle, and grabs it.