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Avery D. Standard


Updated: Oct 23, 2019


Basilisks belong to a genus of large reptiles found in Central America and the surrounding lands. Basilisks, except the Brown Basilisk (Basiliscus vittatus,) are bright green. The males have large crests that run along the head and back. Adults measure 2-3 Ft (0.6-1 M) long.

Basilisks are excellent climbers. They spend most of their time in the trees, which is where they find food. Basilisks feed on fruit and insects. They live in burrows and are extremely territorial. They are known for their ability to run across water, hence their nickname ‘Jesus Christ Lizard.’ Their hind feet are very wide and have flaps on the toes. The flaps help spread out weight and create air pockets under the feet. They can run up to 6 Mph (10 Km/h) on the surface, but only for a short distance. Running on water helps the lizard evade predators. They share this ability with Sail-Fin Lizards.

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