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  • Avery D. Standard


Imantodes cenchoa

The Blunthead Tree Snake is a Central to South American Colubrid. The snake is known for its slender body and large head. Their eyes are very large and have a tan patterning. The pupils are very thin and black, with a light outline running around them. Their position allows the snake to look down from a tree. They measure 4 Ft (1.2 M) long and have brown and white stripes. The name ‘blunthead’ comes from the stubby, rounded snout. These snakes are rear-fanged, meaning that the fangs are positioned far into the mouth. They are mildly venomous.

The Blunthead is arboreal and nocturnal. They typically rest in a coiled position in the trees. They prefer cool, shaded areas.

The snake hunts during the night for frogs, lizards, eggs and other small animals.


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