Ornithorhynchus anatinus The Platypus is a species of monotreme found in Australia and Tasmania. They are known for their strange appearance, having a duck-like bill, a broad tail, otter-like webbed feet and stingers. Their webbed feet help push it quickly through the water. The platypus uses its tail to store fat reserves. Adults measure 2 Ft (0.6 M) long.
As this animal lives in murky water, finding food is near impossible. It has to hold its breath underwater disabling its ability to smell and Closes its eyes. Despite this it is able to locate prey. It can do so using a Small sensors on it’s bill, detect electric fields given off by animals. Males have venomous spurs on their heels which they use to defend themselves from predators. This venom can be extremely painful and last anywhere from a few days to weeks.