Carlito syrichta
The Philippine Tarsier is a primate located in the south Philippine Islands. They are one of the smallest primates in the world as they only grow to be about 6 In (13 Cm) long, although, their eyes measure almost an inch across. This gives them the largest eye to body size ratio of any mammal.
The Philippine Tarsier is nocturnal and mostly solitary. They live in hollows in trees and in the ground. They communicate using loud chirps and screams. Tarsiers can also produce and hear ultrasonic sounds. They primarily feed on arthropods and occasionally small lizards. Their massive eyes allow them to spot these in the dark. When they find a meal, they pounce onto it and grab it with their large hands. Their jaws are lined with small incisors which allow it to immobilise their prey immediately.
The population has decreased from the exotic pet trade. When taken from the wild their life expectancy can decrease drastically. Bright lights can also cause irreversible damage to the
eyes. Being surrounded by a group of people and loud noises can stress the tarsier and cause violent behavior. They can also be weakened by a poor diet.