Sarcoramphus papa
The King Vulture is a species of New World Vulture. Their range stretches from mexico to Uruguay, but they are not found on the west coast of South America. King vultures are known for their brightly colored heads. The head is mostly purple or blue, with white patches and an orange wattle and neck. The Feathers around the shoulders and neck are white, while the ones near the wingtips and tail are black. The feet are mostly a light grey with black claws. Adults measure 7 Ft (2.3 M) in wingspan, making it one of the largest vultures in the world. The eyes are round and a smooth white.
The King Vulture is an exclusive scavenger, and one of the largest in the world. Its giant, hooked beak allows it to tear meat more easily than most other birds. The Females lay a single egg during the breeding season. The egg is large, white and unmarked. Both parents work to incubate the egg before hatching. The egg is incubated for about two months. The Vultures only predators are snakes which eat the eggs. Jaguars will stalk adults while feeding on carcasses.
In South American Folklore, the Bird is believed to have been a god, often portrayed with the body of a man. This god is thought to have been a messenger between the humans and other gods.